Film set in London

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format that is marked as „sticky post“.

If featured image is uploaded it will be shown on the right side of the content like in this example. If you don’t want to use featured image then the content will be spread full-width.

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City of passion

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format.

If featured image is uploaded it will be shown on the right side of the content like in this example. If you don’t want to use featured image then the content will be spread full-width.

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Praia de Rocha Algarve

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format.

If featured image is uploaded it will be shown on the right side of the content like in this example. If you don’t want to use featured image then the content will be spread full-width.

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Format Post: Quote

This post uses format „Quote“ and it is styled differently. When you enter the content you’d like to show as a quote you just need to mark “Quote” inside the “Format” box on the right side under the “Publish” menu.
Anariel Design – About Quote Format Post, 2013

Format Post: Quote

Post Format: Gallery

This post uses format “Gallery”. In this format left column will show the title and content. For this example we used Jetpack Tiled Galleries and text. However you are free to use whatever you want. In the right column you need to upload your featured image.

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